Floods – Research shows millions more at risk of flooding
A new study shows that the percentage of the global population at risk from flooding has risen by almost a quarter since the year 2000. Satellite images were used to…
Climate change is happening and is due to human activity, this includes global warming, greater risk of flooding, droughts – heat waves and much more. Help to End Poverty and support developeing Countries. The place where like-minded people co-operate to promote better care of the Planet via education and exchange of skills and knowledge. Climate change happening due to human activity. BUSINESS ARE NOT OUR ENEMY BUT PART OF THE SOLUTION. LET US WORK HAND IN HAND TO FIND A WAY TO PROTECT OUR PLANET.
A new study shows that the percentage of the global population at risk from flooding has risen by almost a quarter since the year 2000. Satellite images were used to…
Against a backdrop of fires and floods, researchers are meeting virtually to finalise a key climate science study. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is preparing the most comprehensive…
Samantha Jenkins was studying a number of types of fungus in a research project for her company, when one of the fungi made a bid for freedom. “Imagine a jar…
Foals keyboardist Edwin Congrave has said he has questioned being in the band over the carbon footprint of their global tours. The musician says he has struggled with the idea…
A landmark report says the UK can make major cuts to carbon emissions more cheaply than previously thought. The Climate Change Committee says that, for less than 1% of national…
Sharks are rarely seen at almost one in five of the world’s coral reefs, a major study has found. The crash in shark numbers, caused largely by over-fishing, could have…